Python: 50 projects with APIs

Juan F. Palomeque-Gonzalez
5 min readMar 4, 2023

Python is a popular programming language that is widely used for developing web applications, desktop applications, and other software programs. With the availability of public APIs, developers can access a wealth of data and functionality to use in their applications. In this article, we will explore 50 projects that you can code in Python using public APIs

  1. Weather App: Use the OpenWeatherMap API to create a weather app that displays the current weather conditions and forecast for a location.
  2. News Aggregator: Use the News API to build a news aggregator that fetches news articles from different sources and displays them in a single page.
  3. COVID-19 Tracker: Use the COVID-19 API to create an app that tracks the number of cases, deaths, and recoveries for different countries.
  4. Quote Generator: Use the Quotes API to create a program that generates random quotes and displays them on the screen.
  5. Music Recommendation System: Use the Spotify API to create a music recommendation system that suggests songs based on a user’s listening history.
  6. Movie Recommendation System: Use the IMDb API to create a movie recommendation system that suggests movies based on a user’s viewing history.
  7. Twitter Bot: Use the Twitter API to create a bot that automatically…



Juan F. Palomeque-Gonzalez

Specialist in Qualitative Archaeology, currently studying a BSc in Data Science.