APIs and python: a Beginners guide

Juan F. Palomeque-Gonzalez
3 min readMar 15, 2023
APIs and python: a Beginners guide

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have become increasingly important in software development in recent years. In simple terms, an API is a set of protocols, routines, and tools used to build software applications. It provides a way for different software components to interact with each other and exchange data.

APIs are essential in today’s world, where applications rely heavily on data from external sources. They allow developers to easily access data and functionality from other applications and services, without needing to understand the internal workings of those systems.

Public APIs

Public APIs are APIs that are made available to developers by companies or organizations for use in their applications. These APIs typically provide access to data or functionality that is not available through other means, and can be accessed by anyone with the necessary permissions.

Some examples of public APIs include:

  • Google Maps API: provides developers with access to Google Maps data, such as maps, routes, and location information.
  • The OpenAI API: provides developers with access to the latest machine learning models for natural language processing, computer vision, and more.
  • The Spotify API: allows developers to access Spotify’s…



Juan F. Palomeque-Gonzalez

Specialist in Qualitative Archaeology, currently studying a BSc in Data Science.